Discover and foster future content based multi content




KOCCA Multi Content Testbed, MCT is one of the test grounds as well as the opening stage of the future that will embrace the world.

비전 및 미션
Discover and foster arts & culture-based multi content
Identifying prospective business relevant to cultural content in the vicinity and providing support to stimulating technology-based multi content
Undertake production and test launching of innovative technological convergence performance
Role of Multi Content Testbed-future creative hub and business model through innovative technology-based multi content
Support activities of prospective arts & culture business
As the incubating center, providing support to nurture human resources in order to allow for sustained creative efforts.
The long-term objective is to provide a platform to continue operating as an experimental stage for the future of the creative content industry and cultivate human resources involved in multi content industry with KOCCA Education Services Center.
콘텐츠 문화광장은 문화예술, 콘텐츠와 기술이 연결되는 실험장이자 세계로 열린 미래의 무대입니다.
The creative content industry is undergoing rapid changes worldwide. Without global boundaries, the convergence of arts, culture and state-of-the-art technologies is emerging as the new key in opening the future of the creative content industry. KOCCA Multi Content Testbed, MCT is one of the test grounds as well as the opening stage of the future that will embrace the world.
KOCCA MCT boasts the most advanced facilities and equipment over an area of 2,700m², encompassing 4 stories including 2 upper/ground floors, dedicated to identifying prospective arts and culture-based multi content, it undertakes production and test launching of innovation-based multi content and offers an integrated system for 20 supporting arts & culture enterprises to serve as a central hub.
  • Main Initiatives of Multi Content Testbed
콘텐츠문화광장 주요사업
Support in production and business venture projects of arts and culture multi content
  • Support in creation and production and test launching of multi content projects
  • Develop new business model in multi content business
  • Support in incubating of arts and culture entrepreneurial businesses
Set up platform for facilitating creation of multi content
  • One-stop support in planning, creation and production, test launching and consumption of final multi content products
  • Research & Develop to promote collaboration and cooperation among individual content developers, content developing firms and businesses
  • Serve as regional hub to make use of resources at nearby area of Hongreung
Customized infrastructural support using advanced facilities
  • Support in specialized workforce involved in stage management, lighting, sounds, images. planning etc.
  • Customized support to determine performance demand, technology base and individual creation and production
  • Collaboration in providing infrastructure for KOCCA Education Services Center
  • Programs
콘텐츠문화광장 프로그램
Support for multi content testbed
  • Support in creation and production of arts and culture multi content performances
  • State-by-stage production and test launching of multi content
  • Inviting outstanding Korean and international multi content performances
Rental programs
  • Sponsored Rental : Joint sponsorship of outstanding arts and culture performances, festivals and lectures
  • General Rental : For test launching of general multi content performances
Support for enterprises involved in various infrastructure related to testbed business
  • With area of 569m² , 20 arts and culture businesses will receive support in terms of infrastructure
  • marketing and KOCCA-related projects